Well hello there!
My very first official blog! Wow. Feels like I'm a little late to the party on creating one for myself. I didn't realize how popular these things were until I started in on my (our) weddings plans. I now find myself immersed in the world of blogs. I have found countless ones to follow on some of my favorite topics (cooking/baking, organizing, DIY projects - even though I'm totally not a do-it-myself kind of gal - I just like seeing the before and after photos then sitting and pondering why I'm not talented enough to pull any of those kind of projects off) along with being able to keep up with a few of my gal pals through their blogs.
So, I'm starting this thing because...well...it seems kind of like the thing to do ;) Kidding. No really - I'm starting it for a variety of reasons. 1. Its a way to share my thoughts and opinions to the rest of world - almost like keeping a journal of sorts I guess. 2. Its a great way to share my wedding planning ideas 3. Its one of the best ways to let family and friends know whats going on in our little life :) You'll hear me tell stories of family outings, planning for our big day and things our crazy puppy Eddie does. Speaking of Eddie...

Well, where to begin? Lets start with one of the greatest things to have ever happened to me. Getting engaged! Woo HOO!! Yep, Chris and I got engaged this past summer. June 17th - the same weekend I ran my first (and perhaps last) half marathon - Grandma's Marathon in Duluth. We both took a half day at work, packed up the car and little Edward, and headed up to Duluth on a Friday afternoon. We actually stayed in Two Harbors where the marathon started (the half marathon started at the half point of the marathon - go figure right?). The race was at 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning. We got to Two Harbors around 3:00 and had some time to kill. Chris was adamant on checking out Gooseberry Falls since he'd never seen it, so we got back in the car and drove up the north shore to the falls. Eddie absolutely loved it. Lots of areas to walk around, chipmunks to chase and water to drink. I have to let you know, that I had a feeling the big question was coming sometime in the near future - but I had no idea he would have picked this weekend to do it. He sure surprised me though! As were walking over one of the bridges, he stopped me, got down on a knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. (Awww....goosebumps). We got a bit of an applause and a few congratulations from the passers-by. It was such a happy moment and I couldn't have asked for anything better.
We went and had a celebratory dinner then headed back the hotel. My parents and younger brother arrived shortly after. Chris and Eddie decided they wanted to rough it for the night and headed out to set up their campsite. I, on the other hand, needed a good nights sleep for the big race the next day. I wanted to wait to tell them the big news until Chris and I were together after the race. Keeping the news wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. My nerves were starting to get to me about the race as I was thinking mostly about that. After not the best nights sleep I've ever gotten, I got up around 4:30 the next morning, ate a little breakfast and got on the bus to get dropped off at the start line. Oh. My. God. - I've never seen so many people shoved inside such a small vicinity of space. And double Oh. My. God. - was it ever cold out. And rainy. And miserable. It was right next to the shore of Lake Superior and between the wind from the lake and the rain from above - my teeth were chattering so hard I was sure I was going to chip a tooth.
When the gun (finally) went off - it took me 2.5 minutes just to run up to the official start line. After that, people started to spread out quite a bit and I set my pace. Just so you know - during my training for this, I never ran more than 7 miles during any run. So naturally, the first 7 miles were a breeze. Miles 8 and 9 were o.k. too. Mile 10 hit me hard though. A huge wave of "tiredness" for lack of better term hit me and I almost stopped to walk for a a while. I didn't though. I kept running. Through the pain in my calves, my thighs, and sciatic nerve. Through my sadness when I realized I hadn't seen Chris or any of my family so far, and at this point I didn't think I was going to see them until the end. I kept seeing other runners with family or friends cheering them on along the way. I would scan the crowds constantly looking for a familiar face, but nothing - so that was a little hard (had I actually seen my mom, dad, Chris, Shane or even Eddie - I'm pretty sure the waterworks would have commenced so perhaps it was a blessing in disguise). There were some laughable points during the race which helped. People handing out shots of beer. Men dressed in ridiculous gorilla costumes high-fiving the runners. And some of the fans cheering and saying - "only (insert any number 1-13 here) miles to go!!" Right. Just that many more miles to go on top of the how many I've already done.
Nearing the finish line I was SO bummed that I hadn't seen a single person I knew. Then out of nowhere I heard "THERE SHE IS!! STACY!!" It was my mom who had spotted me. I had already ran past them, but turned just in time to see Eddie's little head popping out of Chris's sweatshirt (because it was SO cold) and the rest of family cheering me on as I crossed the finish life. I can still see them all standing there in the crowd and it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. Mile 13 felt like it was never going to end, but it did and 2:27:33 after I passed the start line - I had finished my first half marathon. I was proud of the accomplishment. The time it took me to run the race was exactly where I thought I would be. I remember saying to myself - there's no amount of money you could pay me to turn around and run another 13 miles. I don't know how marathoners do it.
We went to lunch afterwards where Chris and I shared our big news! I had put the ring in my wallet in my purse and given my purse to my mom asking...no telling...her to "guard this with your life". I secretly put the ring on during lunch, told them Chris and I had some news to share and proudly displayed to them my beautifully blinged out left ring finger. Dad smiled - Mom shed a tear or two and Shane in all his wisdom summed it up well when he said "Cool!".

Isn't it pretty?? He done well I say.
We've gotten as far as picking a venue and setting a date. (9.15.2012 in Sauk Centre, MN where I grew up).
This weekend we are celebrating the marriage of my younger brother Chris to his fiance' Kayte. Although I'm looking forward to it, I'm not looking forward to this idea of having to partake in the age old tradition of dancing in a bucket. Apparantly, when a younger sibling gets married before you (as if that isn't embarrassing enough) you must then embarrass yourself further by dancing in a bucket in front of the entire reception. Wonderful.We'll see if that happens. Maybe I'll just disappear when it comes time for that. The groom's dinner is tonight at my older brother Jason and his wife Kristy's house. Tomorrow will be the rehearsal and Saturday is the big day.
One year until we'll be doing this all over again for Chris and I!!